Iridio Ennui vs The Boltzmann Brains by Mario Daniel Martín is the translation of the second edition of La inevitable resurrección de los cerebros de Boltzmann. The first edition of this book was published in Argentina in 2018 by Ediciones Ayarmanot.

The novel was translated by Kevin Windle and Amalia Milman, in collaboration with the author. This translation was made possible by an Arts ACT Art Activities Grant, awarded by the Canberra City Government.

Ediciones Ayarmanot is now publishing both the second edition in Spanish and the English translation, in collaboration with Encuentro Incorporated of Canberra, Australia.


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Iridio Ennui vs The Boltzmann Brains **

La inevitable resurrección de los cerebros de Boltzmann *


(*)  The electronic version of the novel contains another version of the appendix, which includes all the relevant bibliographic references for the entries. There is also another appendix, including the associated bibliography.

(**) The electronic version of the original novel in Spanish contains two additional appendices, one with the English names of the formulas mentioned above and the other with the bibliography corresponding to the formulas.


Iridio Ennui vs The Boltzmann Brains is a novel with equations. Mario Daniel Martín uses them to tell the story of the main character, a man with an extraordinary incapacity to come to terms with the world around him.

In the second half of the 22nd century, the catastrophes caused by climate change have far exceeded the direst predictions: a perennial economic crisis throughout the world, recurrent thermal waves, millions of refugees caused by rising sea levels, and the extinction of the most common animals.

Iridio Geyser Pérezman Ennui, anorgasmic, cryptorchidic, synaesthetic and aromantic, has three obsessions: transcendental numbers, the real cause of the dinosaurs’ extinction, and finding the centre of the universe where the Big Bang originated. Iridio was raised by robotic nurses and instructors, who taught him that there is an equation for everything. Convinced of this, he confronts the post-creationist authorities of his university, the various police forces of the People’s Free-Market Republic of Ozeania, and the Reich-behaviourist psychometrists who attempt to normalise him, raising his indexes of genital eudaemonia.

